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 The Quikie Plan to the Guild Battle

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The Quikie Plan to the Guild Battle Empty
PostSubject: The Quikie Plan to the Guild Battle   The Quikie Plan to the Guild Battle Icon_minitimeFri Apr 17, 2009 11:26 am

I'm sorry I can't go into much detail about this because I have school in 10 minutes. Basically we have to groups on the north and south side, and the both are pretty much defending th point-men. If things get hot, the point men can travel on a thorough or white or black chocobo. Base 1 has divs 1 and 2, Base 2 has divs 3 and 4. Div 5 is in charge of organizing attacks on the enemy base. Note that there are no point men in this group. Endorr knows the details, so if you have any questions, contact her Laughing

Also I won't be attending the GB due to a family trip out of town. See ya guys! afro
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The Quikie Plan to the Guild Battle Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Quikie Plan to the Guild Battle   The Quikie Plan to the Guild Battle Icon_minitimeFri Apr 17, 2009 12:30 pm

Hmm I see a Large Flaw in this, The Amount of people attending the GB... Last time we barely had 2 parties, how can we expect to have more than that this time. Although The plan is Flawed I believe we can find away through this, for example forming parties, say we have 3 full parties this time that's 24 people. then we can have 2 defending parties and one assault.

I understand that the Divisions may have been formed to help with guild battle, but the reliability of the individuals with in each division to all be on is sketchy, and the likely hood that all of them will be available at such a late time is even more so. I mean 12am pst is 3 am my time >.>
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The Quikie Plan to the Guild Battle Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Quikie Plan to the Guild Battle   The Quikie Plan to the Guild Battle Icon_minitimeFri Apr 17, 2009 6:18 pm

How do you know the point men will have a white/black Chocobo... Also not every one in the guild is exactly ready... The attackers could care less about the point mens weak defenders. From what i see on your plan i thought about it like this... having sacrifices and a Hero able to give the guild points all just die in a swift mob of Valencia. Evil or Very Mad
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The Quikie Plan to the Guild Battle Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Quikie Plan to the Guild Battle   The Quikie Plan to the Guild Battle Icon_minitimeSun Apr 19, 2009 3:54 pm

Toti wrote:
Hmm I see a Large Flaw in this, The Amount of people attending the GB... Last time we barely had 2 parties, how can we expect to have more than that this time. Although The plan is Flawed I believe we can find away through this, for example forming parties, say we have 3 full parties this time that's 24 people. then we can have 2 defending parties and one assault.

I understand that the Divisions may have been formed to help with guild battle, but the reliability of the individuals with in each division to all be on is sketchy, and the likely hood that all of them will be available at such a late time is even more so. I mean 12am pst is 3 am my time >.>

If on the request of the Guild Leader that people don't attend the GB, we kinda have a problem. I mean I understand people are in different time zones, but then we should recruit more people that CAN attend. We have 50 members, and 10 attend. If only this many attend, then we don't really have any chance of winning, or even really placing. What you're saying is absolutely right, and we need more active people who can attend the GB (not to be a hypocrite, considering I wasn't at the guild battle myself)
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The Quikie Plan to the Guild Battle Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Quikie Plan to the Guild Battle   The Quikie Plan to the Guild Battle Icon_minitimeSun Apr 19, 2009 4:03 pm

Shiko wrote:
How do you know the point men will have a white/black Chocobo... Also not every one in the guild is exactly ready... The attackers could care less about the point mens weak defenders. From what i see on your plan i thought about it like this... having sacrifices and a Hero able to give the guild points all just die in a swift mob of Valencia. Evil or Very Mad

Obviously point men will be picked at random and only some will have a mount. Weak or strong players will be randomly picked. The whole point of a group is to actually try and defend them. If the point men are alone, then they're easy prey. The whole point of the group is to offer some resistance, which is better than none. The point of two groups is the fact that Valencia can't be in two places at once. If they're attacking one mob, maybe the other group will have some chance to be able to defend, or at least flee. We're not newbies here: we should be able to do something in numbers.
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Join date : 2009-04-15

The Quikie Plan to the Guild Battle Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Quikie Plan to the Guild Battle   The Quikie Plan to the Guild Battle Icon_minitimeSun Apr 19, 2009 6:12 pm

Alright Dawn...I've read your plan...and there's definitely some major flaws to it. You have a good idea with splitting pl into groups and all but i think your overlooking a few things. For example the 2 defense groups and 1 assault group...We need our teams to be able to assault OR defend not just 1...cuz what if there's a bunch of enemies near the defense group...Well then the reasonable thing to do being a defense group would cause us to lose out on some major points...As for the number of groups that'll rely solely on how many people attend..but a good number would be 3-4 groups...Also we could deploy a tactic in the guild battle that i call a pincer movement...this means that two groups will attack 1 bigger group, both attacking from both sides..this way the people in the middle will be crushed from gettin bombarded from both sides...As for your defense idea i think it would be best for the defense to have 1-2 pl on point...while 2 protect the rear to prevent a flank..I hope you all read it will help us greatly in the guild battle despite our numbers.. Very Happy

Well i hope you take this stuff into consideration see you in guild chat. pirat
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PostSubject: Re: The Quikie Plan to the Guild Battle   The Quikie Plan to the Guild Battle Icon_minitime

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