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 Guild Battle Stuff

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Posts : 35
Join date : 2009-04-12
Age : 36

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PostSubject: Guild Battle Stuff   Guild Battle Stuff Icon_minitimeMon Apr 13, 2009 3:14 pm

Ok so the guild battle is again this Saturday at 8PM PST

Let's get some discusions on it goin :O like any suggestions?

I noticed that when we all got to the far western exit of the Sen Mag Battleground we actually held our own and then some. Just wanted to point that out.

Also we will be meeting from now on at the same place and time for all GB's. The stump in the middle of the Sen Mag Residential Area. We will be meeting at 7:15PM (PST) because we can never seem to get in there on time XD.

If I forgot anything just speak up or ask =3
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