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 The Connous Potion Exchange

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PostSubject: The Connous Potion Exchange   The Connous Potion Exchange Icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2009 1:27 am

Potions are apart of everyone's Mabinogi life. Warriors need Hit Points Potions and Stamina Potions, rangers need Stamina potions, and mages need Mana potions. However, some potions are not as easy to get as it seems. I, personally, have a Mana problems because I do not have enough of my own money to buy Mana potions, and I really don't want to spam Ciar all day for mana herbs. So I came up with an idea to solve our mages' mana problems (actually Vizieroth's, so credit him)

The Potion Exchange

Have any not needed potions just lying around unused? Are you short on another type of potion? Then welcome to the Potion Exchange. Your unused pots can be traded for ones you actually need. After doing some math, heres how it works:


Mana 30s

1 Mana 30 =2 Stamina 30s

1 Mana 30 =2 HP 30s

Mana 50s

1 Mana 50 = 1 Stamina 100

1 Mana 50 = 1 HP 100

1 Mana 50 = 2 Stam 50s

1 Mana 50 = 2 HP 50s

1 Mana 50 = 3 Stam 30s

1 Mana 50 = 3 HP 30s

Mana 100s

1 Mana 100 = 2 Stam 100s

1 Mana 100 = 2 HP 100s

1 Mana 100 = 4 Stam 50s

1 Mana 100 = 4 HP 50s

1 Mana 100 = 5 Stam 30s

1 Mana 100 = 5 HP 30s

These are basic exchanges. If you want any HP - Stam Exchanges, that can happen, too.

Proper Exchange Etiquette

1) When handling potions, it must be traded in person.

2) When posting an order, one must specify which potion is needed and which potion he/ she has.

I.E.: T>My 10 HP 30s for your 2 Mana 100s

3) When accepting an order, one must state:

Accepting Shadowdawn's order, My 2 Mana 100s for your 10 HP 30s.

Its pretty simple, but it can go a long ways. Start signing up NOW!
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