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 Lag Fixes for noobs.

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Lag Fixes for noobs. Empty
PostSubject: Lag Fixes for noobs.   Lag Fixes for noobs. Icon_minitimeMon Apr 13, 2009 8:40 pm

Evidently many of our players do NOT know about this, so this is just going to be a link compilation. Credit goes to whoever made them. Questions MAY be answered by me, but I don't know too much.

I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT VISTA. IF YOU HAVE VISTA: Ask somebody else who DOES. If thats too hard for you, go on google, and search accordingly:

"Nagle Algorithm Vista"
"Wireless Zero Configuration Vista"
"TCP Optimizer Vista" (I think its the same for Vista and XP for this one).


THIS WILL NOT DO ANYTHING IF YOU USE ANOTHER WIRELESS NETWORK FINDER. Only if you use windows standard one. If you use another wireless network finder, then you will find Wireless Zero Configuration to be off automatically, as it overrides the one built in Windows.

This basically disables windows wireless adapter continuously and annoyingly trying to find a new connection, and its resulting lag.

You will see a large list of services. Most of them we will not be touching. In fact we will only touch one. Scroll down till you find "Wireless Zero Configuration" and stop it.

You're going to have to stop it everytime your computer starts up after you connect to your wireless network. You can NOT disable it because Wireless Zero Configuration is what your computer uses to find the wireless network, but once it finds it it just lags your computer. So you need it to find it, and then you have to stop it. If you disable it, you won't be able to find your wireless again until you turn it on.

Second check: Nagle Algorithm. Evidently Mabinogi is a demanding game, and actually lags from Nagle. I'm not going to explain Nagle too much, but lets just say it lags and you want it off.

Do it.

Third check: TCP Optimizer.

Read: Its a lot smarter than me.


Use accordingly using knowledge with what you have learned from the "Read" link. You probably shouldn't bother with the super advanced stuff, just setting optimal connection speed and MTU should be plenty for you.

WHEN USING TCPOPTIMIZER: Make sure you check "Modify All Network Adapters" or whatever the correct spelling happens to be.
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Join date : 2009-04-12
Age : 36

Lag Fixes for noobs. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lag Fixes for noobs.   Lag Fixes for noobs. Icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2009 5:42 pm

Hey Ban before posting something like this in the future let me know you're gonna do it. This is something we dont want to be common knowledge outside of the guild. *speaking mainly of nagle disabling*


Follow the instructions in the video to the T.

It only takes a few minutes.. its a completely legetimate thing to do.So there's no risk of BANHAMMAH from nexxon.

Also I have my Nagle disabled and I am running on vista. The only thing is that if you are running on Vista make sure you:

*Pre-note* As with anytime you are changing some settings on your comp.. somthing could go wrong! SO do the safe thing and back up you data before you even try to do this! So if all else fails you can restore your system and your comp wont be dead... like my desktop >>

1) SHUT MABI DOWN before disabling nagle. For me it killed my desktop after i did it with mabi still running... >>

2) Follow the instructions exactly.

3) IF you have 2 interfaces that are exactly the same do it for both interfaces. It won't mess up you comp trust me.

4)Don't do the second half of the video IF you have vista and IF you dont have the MMQM or w/e folder. I dont believe it's compatabile with Vista.. I got a big error warning.

5) If something does happen just delete the what you made and presto! Everything should be fine.

You may be like.. oh i dont need this but if you do nothing else MAKE SURE YOU DISABLE THE NAGLE ALGORYTHM. It reduces the responce time required for the ingame actions to actually occur. Which = uber healing casting, arrow spamming, being able to wm before someone else, etc etc.

you will be amazed the difference it can make in pvp

Nagle video = you tube video (aka) Ban's Second Check
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Lag Fixes for noobs. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lag Fixes for noobs.   Lag Fixes for noobs. Icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2009 10:52 pm

Two more checklists:

Four: Uninstall everything you don't need. Free space = faster computer.

Five: Defragment your disk. You computer sucks at being alive and its extremely disorganized. Free download:

Otherwise cough up the cash. The non-free ones are GOOD.
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Lag Fixes for noobs. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lag Fixes for noobs.   Lag Fixes for noobs. Icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2009 11:05 pm

Sorry, Disk keeper lite is a better free defragmenter.
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Age : 36

Lag Fixes for noobs. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lag Fixes for noobs.   Lag Fixes for noobs. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 15, 2009 6:37 pm

ive also noticed some confusion due to my reply... YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE VISTA TO DO THIS

Having vista can make it a pain actually just check my reply if u do
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Lag Fixes for noobs. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lag Fixes for noobs.   Lag Fixes for noobs. Icon_minitimeThu Apr 16, 2009 1:35 am

actually this is a better tutorial of diabling Nagle Algorithm
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Join date : 2009-04-12
Age : 34

Lag Fixes for noobs. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lag Fixes for noobs.   Lag Fixes for noobs. Icon_minitimeThu Apr 16, 2009 8:12 pm

here is a picture tutorial for u youtube haters
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PostSubject: Re: Lag Fixes for noobs.   Lag Fixes for noobs. Icon_minitime

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